Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Archive of Rob Rufus

The word "Archive" conjours up rather negative images of dusty library shelves which are hardly ever used. The word should be redeemed in connection with Rob Rufus though. No one who has ever heard or read Rob Rufus can accuse him of being dull and dusty! No, this is just my attempt to bring a degree of organisation to the "Rob Rufus - Grace and Glory!" blog. When I set it up last October I didn't realise how much the teaching and preaching of Rob would come to mean to me. I was speaking with Pete today and we agreed that this diet of "grace and glory" is simply to important to go long without listening to and being refreshed and gloriously revived by. Fortunately there is no danger of running out of Rob's sermons! There are four years of sermons from City Church International in Hong Kong to work through as well as a new sermon virtually every week.

Here is what my fellow team of Rob Rufus fans have collected so far - may it serve as a useful resource to break the bonds of legalism on many Christians and open their eyes to the wonderful freedom of grace!!:


"The Presence of God" (Part 1 and Part 2) - CCI, Hong Kong - 30th June.

"Heavenly Churches or Earthly Churches?" - CCI, Hong Kong - 4th July.

"The Grace-Hating Spirit - Part 1" - CCI, Hong Kong - 22nd August.

"The Grace-Hating Spirit - Part 2" ("FREEDOM!") - CCI, Hong Kong - 25th August.

"Authorised/Unauthorised Fire" - CCI, Hong Kong - 22nd September.


"Grace versus Law" - (Part 1 and Part 2) - CCI, Hong Kong - 5th March.

"Together on a Mission 2006" - Brighton UK

"The Power of the Authoritative Command - Part 1" - CCI, Hong Kong - 10th September.


"Together on a Mission 2007" - Brighton UK

Main Session 3 - "The Timelessness in the Glory".

"Do Our Diaries Reflect the Priorities of Heaven?" - CCI, Hong Kong - 22nd July.

"Face to Face Intimacy with God" - CCI, Hong Kong - 5th August 2007.

"Knowing The Person Of The Holy Spirit" - Part 1 - CCI, Hong Kong - 9th September.

"Knowing The Person Of The Holy Spirit" - Part 2 - CCI, Hong Kong - 16th September.

"Knowing The Person of the Holy Spirit" - Part 3 - CCI, Hong Kong - 23rd September.

"Dealing with the Spirit of Conservatism" (an exhortation after Fini de Gersigny's sermon; "The Father's Love") - CCI, Hong Kong - 21st October.

"Grace and Glory Conference - Hong Kong" - Archive here.

"Knowing the Person of the Holy Spirit" - Part 7 - CCI, Hong Kong - 28th October.

"Prayer Meeting and Conference De-brief" - CCI, Hong Kong - 1st November.

"Knowing the Person of the Holy Spirit" - Part 8 - CCI, Hong Kong - 4th November.

"Self Righteousness vs the Gift of Righteousness" - CCI, Hong Kong - 9th December.


"What to Expect in 2008!" - CCI, Hong Kong - 6th January.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 1" - CCI, Hong Kong - 13th January.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 2" - CCI, Hong Kong - 20th January (Part 1 and Part 2).

"Invading the Impossible - Part 3" - CCI, Hong Kong - 27th January.

"Grace and Glory Conference" - Dubai

"Session 1" - 29th January.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 4" - CCI, Hong Kong - 3rd February.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 5" - CCI, Hong Kong - 17th February.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 6" - CCI, Hong Kong - 24th February.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 7" - CCI, Hong Kong - 24th February.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 8" - CCI, Hong Kong - 2nd March.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 9" - CCI, Hong Kong - 9th March.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 10" - CCI, Hong Kong - 15th March.

"Invading the Impossible - Part 11" - CCI, Hong Kong - 23rd March.

"Grace and Glory Conference" - Sydney 26-29th March, 2008

"Invading the Impossible - Part 12" - CCI, Hong Kong - 6th April.

"There is a Flood of Glory Coming!" - CCI, Hong Kong - 13th April.

"Condemning Condemnation and Glory Testimonies" - CCI, Hong Kong - 20th April.

To be Continued!!


LionHeart said...
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LionHeart said...
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LionHeart said...

Thank you for posting these messages of Rob Rufus here. I happened to come here a couple of weeks ago and WOW ! It is going to take a little time to renew my mind with the truth of Grace and Glory, but it has made a major change in me so far. This was a divine appointment from God and He used this blog to make this connection. Thank you so much.....

Dan Bowen said...

So glad its of help to you Lionheart! I love your profile name btw - its incredibly prophetic. We need people with lion hearts full of the message of grace and glory in these days!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant web site, I hadn't noticed earlier in my searches!
Carry on the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!

I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.


Anonymous said...

Have you considered the fact that this might work another way? I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
exactly the same in the past? Let me know your thoughts...

Anonymous said...

Destined to Reign Devotional for your Java MIDP cell phone and e-Sword:

Anonymous said...

Thank you!