(“In the power of the Spirit”) – (“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me because He has anointed Me”) –
1. What does the anointing of God do?
(Acts 19:11-12) – It heals, it liberates, it lifts burdens, it drives out demons, it expands us, it increases our expectation of God.
2. What is the anointing?
It is the Presence and power of God made manifest. God’s Presence is not manifest all the time but as soon as you put faith in the anointing of God and start talking about the anointing – it starts manifesting. The anointing is tangible – perceptible – detectible to the senses. It is heavenly materiality. In the anointing the Father’s love is extravagantly lavished over your soul.
You cannot love Him with all your strength until you have experienced Him loving you with all His strength.
3. How is the anointing conducted to you?
It is not only tangible but also transferable and conducted just like electricity.
The anointing flowed into Paul’s handkerchief so it became like a battery of power which when laid on the sick healed them. The anointing protects you from being crippled by condemnation and guilt; it opens prison doors and enables us to live in a power coming from another age. The anointing primarily is for faithfulness to the Father so we can minister it to a lost and hurting world”
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