Thursday, 12 February 2009

Rob Rufus Archive - 2006


"Grace for Freedom and Fruitfulness Series - (1) - Freedom from Dead Works." - 19th February.

"Grace versus Law" - (Part 1 and Part 2) - CCI, Hong Kong - 5th March.

"Together on a Mission 2006" - Brighton UK

"Living Daily under the Miraculous Mantle of God's Increased Power" - (Track Part 1).

Main Session 1.

"Living Daily under the Miraculous Mantle of God's Increased Power" - (Track Part 2).

"The Laying on of Hands" - (Track Part 2)

"Living Daily under the Miraculous Mantle of God's Increased Power" - (Track Part 3).

"The Power of the Authoritative Command - Part 1" - CCI, Hong Kong - 10th September.

"The Power of the Authoritative Command - Part 2" - CCI, Hong Kong - 17th September.

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