Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Grace and Glory Conference - Session 2

Tuesday 23rd October - Grace and Glory Conference, Hong Kong!!

After a brief tea break and some amazing refreshments from the City Church folk, we went straight into the second session where Rob Rufus was once again speaking to us. He had his accomplished daughter Bonnie accompanying him on the keyboards. Here's what he said;

"The Ministry of Life".

It is easier to plant first generation grace churches than rebuild grace into an existing church. Paul wasn't put into prison for adhering to law but for preaching grace. We are not against law - we are for what law was given for! (Acts 13) - When good news is being taught then people will gather! "Paul boldly preached the message of grace". People addicted to pornography are being set free from it by the true message of grace off our website!

This is contending much more than personal blessing in the church. We are contending for the freedom of nations!

In June 2007 - two angels arrived with trumpets into our church and the glory of God hit in force. God said that He was lifting the periphery fence. The angels were announcing we were leaving the Old Covenant and coming totally into New Covenant freedom.

Grace liberates women from male control!!

At Brighton we saw the power of God come like never before. Was praying at Church of Christ the King in Brighton and saw a line of people waiting to be ministered to. God said; "Watch this - it isn't like it was before. The periphery fence is being lifted". People were healed totally before even receiving prayer! Running down a line of lead elders at the conference and (Greg Haslam) hit the floor and hit his head on the chair. He afterwards said to me - "Rob I really needed that!". It was EFFORTLESS. Got a chest infection the last day at Brighton and thought it was a broken rib but flew back to Hong Kong and got healed instantly to preach!

All we have to do is step over the periphery fence and into the glory but we have to keep on walking deeper and deeper into the glory cloud of God and we will radiate miracles effortlessly! (1 Corinthians 15:45-46) - We are tired of labouring under the pressures of man. Every human being in the earth is either under the first Adam or in the last Adam. If we are in first Adam (Romans 5:12) then we are dead and inherit his death. But! (Romans 5:19) through the obedience of the last Adam we inherit His obedience!

Obedience is not the basis of your confidence before God. If you are in first Adam then you cannot backslide out through good works! Just so if you are in the last Adam then you cannot backslide out through unrighteous acts!

Jesus died not only for the sins of the world but also for the sickness of the whole world. God does not put sickness on people. He is absolute life! (John 10:10) - "I have come that you may have life and have it to the full!". Jesus did not come to make immoral people moral but to make living people live. (1 Corinthians 2:7-8) - The Cross was God's secret wisdom destined for our glory before time began. The Cross was set up to restore the glory that Adam lost.

Death no longer follows your sin. If you do sin there are everlasting arms of grace and that sin has already been dealt with at the Cross.

(Hebrews 2:14) - "Fear of death" - not just physical death being talked about here but also death to your dreams and death to your visions. Paul is saying never again will he go under the death of law but a broker of life!

Don't negotiate with death - no death to my vision! China WILL be saved!! Many Christians have already given in through sickness of heart - it is too high a price to lose our dreams!

What is coming out of your mouth must be life-giving. (John 20:21-22) - "Just as I was sent - so I send you". And He BREATHED into them just as His Father BREATHED into Adam. He breathed into His disciples life-giving conciousness.

You can have many messages on grace but until the life-giving Spirit breaths on you, you will not truly believe it.

Minster from the heavenly to the earthly! We are united with Him in resurrection and co-seated with Him! (Romans 8:11) - "He will give life to your mortal bodies". It was John G Lake's ministry to South Africa that put something into the soul so that there was no blood-shed in the 1994 elections but a freedom. Doctors saw bubonic plague on his skin and actually dying! He refused the fact that he was a phenomena but that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in him - and just so in his! Oh for more John G Lakes!

It makes no sense to be happy about going to heaven when demonic powers run rampant spreading sickness wherever they go! Don't let anyone side-line the miraculous to the fringe! The ministry of Jesus was signs and wonders and the miraculous! "Freely you have received now freely give!". He went on to say "Rejoice that your names are in the book of life" - this isn't some dead heavenly register! The context of this passage is (Revelation 21:27-22:1-3) and it speaks also of the "Tree of Life" and "The River of Life". This Book of Life is pulsating alive and your name is wrapped up in it!

We are now already in the New Jerusalem! See an anointing come upon your life for the healing of nations! (Galatians 3:6) - "Consider Abraham!". (Isaiah 60:1) - "Arise shine for your light HAS come" but too often the church isn't rising and shining! The nations need healing! Europe has been raped by secular humanism!

The United Kingdom is on the brink of a mighty revival!!

Churches of the New Jerusalem - (Colossians 3:1) - "Since you have been raised with Christ set your mind on things above".

Christ is ready to appear in this life as often as you are ready to appear with Him in glory! You will reflect the characteristic of the world that you are most concious of.

(John 1:50-51) - Wherever I go now the heavens will open. Is that arrogant? No. It is all of grace! The blessing given to Abraham overrode anything he did! Abraham lied - yet received the wealth of nations. Jacob stole the inheritance and lied but went to Bethel and encountered open heaven there! Do not tithe under Malachi 3.

How can failing to tithe reverse the power of the Cross? God doesn't meet your needs according to your needs but according to His riches!

We must become heavenly-minded full of the conciousness of God. Enoch became so concious of the heavenly realm that he was simply "no more". "Rob Rufus walked with God and was not". The throne of God is surrounded by an emerald rainbow. That means "No judgement - no judgement!!". It is tinged with emerald green which means soaked in the anointing!

1 comment:

Don said...

so wonderful to see you're there safely and soaking soaking soaking! Looks like Rob is preaching a "best of" series from his recent messages!! More, Lord - fill the place and the people!! \o/