I am hugely excited to report that on Sunday 21st October I fly out to Hong Kong to go to Rob Rufus's "Grace and Glory Conference"!! I am staying in Hong Kong until Monday 29th October so hope to attend City Church International as well on the Sunday 28th after the conference.

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to see those dreams come to pass!".
I also sought the advice of Spirit-filled friends who I trust and love and was encouraged by their wise counsel. I had a further encouragement when the conference organisers emailed me and said that I had the opportunity to share a room with a guy who needed someone to share the cost with. This makes the accomodation very affordable and furthermore am exited about being able to share and pray with someone at the conference.
The flights were also a time of testing and faith but ultimately miraculous. I got paid a set amount which was all that I could afford - so was looking for a flight in that bracket. It proved a lot harder than I thought as I booked some tickets that were just outside my price bracket but then couldn't buy them because Expedia dot com crashed! By the time the Expedia website was working, Virgin Atlantic had sold the tickets. However once again God showed His hand because I managed to find another flight on exactly the same day for £70 cheaper and well within my price bracket.
It is my hope to post reports on each conference session as closely as possible but I certainly won't even attempt to live-blog it! Rob Rufus wrote this about the conference - and it certainly sets the tone for what to expect;
"It is with great excitement and confidence that I invite you to our Glory and Grace Conference! I am ignited with an intense radical passion that this is going to be a supernaturally significant time of encounters with our awesome God of glory! A time of open heaven! A time of visitation of God's mighty presence and power! A time of impartation, where you will catch and carry back with you a new anointing for revival, miracles, signs and wonders! The cloud of God's glory will be here! The 40 years of wondering in the wilderness are over.
From the 6th of June 2007 a new prophetic sound of freedom has been released from heaven. It's time to possess promises. Many of God's people are sensing a fresh powerful wind of the Spirit blowing and are asking themselves - how do I catch it? What is it all about? How can I be assured of not missing this wonderful new season in God? I believe these are the reasons the Holy Spirit has so clearly inspired us to host this conference. He, the mighty third Person of the Trinity, will answer these questions and many more during this conference".
I am going with great expectation that my own personal foundations of grace are going to be re-structured. I want to really seize the awesome truth that;
But furthermore I really believe still in the truth that God told me in the tidal wave dream. Something awesome is going to happen to in the nations! God has got huge things in store for His Church and I pray - for the United Kingdom where I live. I'm not just going for my own personal benefit but hope to come back changed so that my church can benefit, my friends can benefit (I am still believing that Scott is going to be healed!) and that ultimately I can have the awesome opportunity to be part of the people who go into the land.
Watch this space!
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