Thursday 18 October 2007


This short 30 second video clip is one I took during one of Rob's main sessions at Together on a Mission 2007 this year. You can't actually see him but he is moving along a row of people laying hands on them and praying for them. I can't quite explain why but the anointing on this video is so strong that whenever Scott or I listen to it, we get goosebumps! I think it is the confident, bold way that Rob yells out; "FIRE!". This isn't a timid, tentative prayer of hope and desperation that God may do something to the one who is being ministered to. This is a confident, bold man of God who trusts in the lavish, generous nature of His God and believes passionately in His desire to bless His Bride - the Church!! And the most powerful way that God can bless His Church is to truly send the fire of Pentecost upon them.

I would be thrilled if this short - poor-quality - video clip brings something of the power and Presence of God into your room where you are watching this. It's the same Holy Spirit!! May you receive the fire of Pentecost today!!

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