We were told at the end of the "
Glory and Grace Conference 2007" in Hong Kong that they would seek the Holy Spirit's guidance and if He said "Yes", there would be another conference in 2008. However Rob Rufus did promise there would be a little more warning so preparation could be made. Unfortunately that warning hasn't quite come. I heard Rob make a comment on a recent sermon that the next "
Glory and Grace Conference" would be in Sydney in Australia which excited us quite considerably as Sydney is somewhere I have always wanted to go. Alas - the date for the conference is at the end of March next month.
It's too soon and the air fares are too much - unless the Lord intervenes like He did last year.
So it looks like this year I will have to look forward to the CD's of what will - I am sure - be an incredible time! If this conference causes shock-waves around the world like last October did - then 2008 is going to continue to be an awesome year!
Maybe they will keep up the rate of having a conference every 5-6 months and we can yet hope for another one this year!!!!!
Oh I hope so!! :) I really hope so - I can't express how gutted I am I am going to have to miss out!! But at least we can follow closely over the internet and hunger that the SAME Spirit who is pouring out His glory there at the conference, will pour out His glory upon us as well hungry and eager!!
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