"Prophecy! Prophecy! Prophecy to the wind! Prophecy over these dead souls that they might live! Proclaim to these dead souls that they might rise up and live! Call upon to these people to stand and then call upon the wind to come! Call upon the mighty powerful wind of My Spirit to blow! Call upon the very rock of My breath to come and bring that which was dead to life, to come and bring death to be overcome by the power of life. Prophecy and proclaim to those that are fearful! And let those that are fearful rise up a great and vast and mighty army!".
So I hope that by recalling and transcribing this prophecy from Glenda Rufus to CCK that I am fulfilling in part Ginny's call. I know that the word was for CCK in Brighton but we can all gain much encouragement and much prophetic motivation (as Rob himself taught in Hong Kong) by reading the genuine prophetic. Here it is and the audio is available here;
"This morning while I was praying Rob went out for a run and so it was a good opportunity for me to have a quiet time in the room and as I was praying for the meeting and for this church, I just felt the heart of God wanting to commend you - it is a commendation that He had for you. And I am sure that many people come and give you commendations but I would like to share this one with you.
I felt God was saying to you this morning that the younger generations have faithfully guarded what has been handed down to them by their fathers in this church because they have known the price that these men and women have paid. These men and women have stood in the face of opposition, against public opinion against the Word of God and they have fought for biblical values and they have fought to see God's kingdom restored in this age and they have cried out.
I believe that God has heard the cries of the people and the leaders of this church and they cried out to see revival in their day and I believe that this church is going into a season of reaping. You are going to see this revival! I felt so clearly it was a season of reaping for you. You have sown and you have done the sowing so faithfully and you have done it year after year and year in and year out and you have not see the fruit of what has been sown.
But the time is coming and you are in that season now - that season of reaping - and it is harvest time! I felt that so clearly that it is harvest time - it is promised time. The promise is going to be delivered God says - it is fulfillment time! The Bible says we wage war by the prophecies given. You have waged that warfare and you have stood on those prophetic words and now the fulfillment is coming. I believe God would say it's not a time to waver in this timeand say "Is it going to happen?". "Is it going to come?". We've stood and we've stood!
This is not a time to waver but a time to be very bold in this season that God is bringing you into and I believe it is like the season of the book of Amos if you read the last chapter of the book of Amos. It is an Amos season for you and it is an overtaking season for you - a new wine season that God is pouring out on your people and I just wanted to encourage you with that word this morning".