So to make it clear for those who aren't quite up to speed - here's the deal. I was always going to "Glory and Grace" in Hong Kong ... until last week. I had the money saved up for me and Scott to go and we both had the weeks booked off. Then unfortunately my new work intervened and said they "couldn't afford for me to go" seeing as the paediatric client I look after won't have proper care while I am away. I tried and explored every option short of resigning (I was open to that prospect and just waiting for a confirmatory word to do just that!) but it seemed clear that something just wasn't right.

Oh and then a day too late ... my work turned round and said I could have the week off anyway!
Nevertheless my threat of sanctified revenge still stands! Three of my most special friends are going to "Glory and Grace" and I am probably more excited about what God will do than when I went to Hong Kong in October 2007 (maybe!). We have agreed that absolutely EVERYTHING they tell me is going to be reported and published so this conference is the most heard about event possible!
My wonderful friend Ursula sent me the first of many updates I hope! Her being able to go was a miracle in and of itself promised to her by Jesus - here is her testimony! Here's what she's going through;
"'m so excited! I just heard from Fini...and they are so stoked to be seeing me....and me them, so hopefully I can steal them away for an hour or two and just spend some Father, Mother, Daughter time! I can't wait!
Other good new is that Fini went to SA for his brothers funeral and one got saved and several healings. Yay Jesus! the plan is, I'm going to London tomorrow afternoon to spend the night with my oldest friend, who is not saved. I'm really really excited! You knwo when you know someone its like wearing old slippers? So we are just going to hang, visit, she is going through some stuff so I get to minister the love of Jesus.....and we can just be! Then Monday I head to Heathrow...and on the flight!
Arrive in HK, attempt to take two busses to where I'm going.....and text my friends to pick me up! And then....GLORY! The party is guaranteed to start immediately! So good!And then....Wednesday...BLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm probably staying with Lydia and Julie Sat/Sun we will be sightseeing and all....and I have the whole of Monday to sight see!I heard from Julies hubby yesterday and it sounds like she is having a tough time with morning sickness......hopefully we get to see her healed of that quick smart! And of course will have my phone to send you texts...heeeheeee! Going to be so so fun! ;-)
Ok...I have to go put the first load of washing in!!!!!!!
Love Me"
Our prayers and thoughts are going with you Ursula!! As I say, my plan is to publish absolutely every scrap of information that they send - I feel like a dying man desperate for drops of water of glory here! And I know God is going to do some life changing work in everyone who attends that conference.
OH my word. I'm honoured. I didn't know that was going up...but I'm honoured! ;-)
Since you have the week off...I know a cool place where there is cool stuff going on...wanna come? ;-)
UMM...........YOU MUST COME!!! SERIOUSLY......!!!!!
Can't anymore!! Mind you it's been such a week of miracles ... who knows WHAT the Father will do! I think Scotty said the Euro millions jackpot is £28 million on Friday ... so City Church International can expect a BIG gift cheque if Dad lets me win!!
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